May 21st, 2023: KM 749.2 - 768.9

 (Peninsula 22.9 - 42.6)

First hike of 2023 with Chris and Eily yesterday! We targeted Hope's Bay for our final destination.

Eily and I met Chris at Hope's Bay just after 11am, then drove to the start spot, and got on the road at 11:35. It was a nice sunny day with a cold breeze. Perfect hiking weather. 

A large group of people entered the woods just ahead of us. It took us a few minutes to pass them all. 

This hike took us around the outskirts of two different Bluffs. The first one, south of Sydney Bay, is called Jones Bluff. Our first views were to the south, towards Kings Point Bluff. There were huge birds of prey flying around here.

The trail took a turn, and the views changed to north / north east, towards the tip of the peninsula.

Then the trail turned some more, and we could start to see Sydney Bay.

You could see the bluffs on the other side of Sydney Bay, that we'd be hiking on soon.

The trail led down from the bluff, and into a campground on the edge of Sydney Bay

Took a short sandwich break here while playing fetch with Eily.

Then continued on along Snake Trail Boardwalk, which led to the climb up to the second bluff.

The boardwalk led through a swamp, complete with Beaver huts.

The path up to the next bluff, Sydney Bay Bluff, was very long and steep. Not fun.

And just when you thought "it must be over"...

Once at the top, we could look back towards Sydney Bay and Jones Bluff.

This bluff was way more up and down than the last one. Many hills to climb and descend between the viewpoints.

Eventually the trail cut into the forest towards the other side of the Bluff.

The fallen leaves on the ground here had gone really pale and almost looked like sand.

After just over 4 hours, we finally got a view of Hope's Bay.

The trail led mostly through forest on this side, with occasional viewpoints. 

Then there was a steep descent, where there was a ladder and we had to get creative to get Eily down.

Eventually we popped out in a parking lot, and followed the road along the lakeside back to our car.

Chris headed home and I drove with Eily to our cabin at Red Bay Lodge. Eily zonked out in 2 minutes and I ate fish & chips from the restaurant, and played Zelda on Switch. 

Overall a really great hike on a perfect day!
