September 22nd, 2018: KM 551.6 - KM 572.4

(Beaver Valley 107.5 - Sydenham 14.5)   [Edition 28 map markers]

Beautiful 4-man, 2-dog hike yesterday! We finished the last 6.3 kms of the Beaver Valley trail section and tackled the first 14.5 kms of the Sydenham section for 20.8 kms total in under 5 hrs (9:45am - 2:25pm)

While the hikes are really far away now, it's starting to feel like we're getting "close" to finishing, with 570kms behind us and just over 300 kms left in front of us.

Most of the hike was through forests, often over limestone rocks and crevasses. 

There were some nice views of farmers fields, sometimes walking along their edges, sometimes from the top of the escarpment.

Anthea Falls:

Short (1km) but steep road section.

 Walters Falls:

After getting back to the car, we grabbed a bite & drink from the Bicycle cafe in Flesherton. The food was delicious, but the portions were small and it was not cheap.

On the drive home, we got stuck behind a horse & buggy for a little stretch.

Bonus photos from Anthony!

Overall, a very nice hike. Looking forward to the next one!
