Graham & Chris, aka the Smiths, aka the gruesome twosome, aka the brothers Grimm, had some catching up to do! We started the hiking from the Screaming Tunnel (km 11) at 10am on the nose.

Btw, check out this movie some of my old colleagues at Silicon Knights made last year (it features the tunnel). Unusually awesome.
It was a really hot day out, but fortunately it was also very windy. The hike follows the road for awile, then turns off into Woodend Conservation area.
Throughout the day we saw about 20 snakes..

The trail finally leaves Woodend, then crosses a road and enters the Royal Niagara golf course.

We saw the beer cart girl on the path behind us, but didn't flag her down. We immediatey regretted that, and then for the next half hour while still in the golf course, looked for her everywhere. She never appeared again
Chris spotted the first golf ball. We got three more by the time we left the course.
Still running along the edge of the golf course, the trail turns north along the old Welland canal, and runs past a few old locks. First locks:

Second locks

Back out to the golf course:

There are a bunch of these old concrete pillars on the trail, where the boats used to tie up to, probably while waiting their turn to go through the locks

Third locks:

Then the trail hits Glendale Ave, and runs towards and over the new (current) canal. Check out these huge chains on the raising bridge

Upstream a bit (south) the trail passes Lock #7

then, cuts off the road back into the woods.

After this section, the trail comes out very close to the Pen Center. I used to spend alot of time here, and so it was kind of cool to see these places again.

After two and a half hours of hiking, nothing tastes better than this (except maybe a cold beer):

We considered stopping to see a matinee

The trail turns off Glendale into a residential area, which was full of some very nice houses

then goes back into the woods towards Brock University..

We finally hit Brock after almost four hours of hiking

Took a short break at this lake, which is on the Brock campus

Then hit up a different McDonalds, to call for a cab to take us back to the car

We got back to the car at ~3pm, so 5 hours total. Very sore feet, and stiff legs.
I leave you with a short video of a friend we made along the trail
Oh and Chris just sent me some of his photos:

It was a really hot day out, but fortunately it was also very windy. The hike follows the road for awile, then turns off into Woodend Conservation area.
Chris spotted the first golf ball. We got three more by the time we left the course.
Second locks
There are a bunch of these old concrete pillars on the trail, where the boats used to tie up to, probably while waiting their turn to go through the locks
Third locks:
Then the trail hits Glendale Ave, and runs towards and over the new (current) canal. Check out these huge chains on the raising bridge
Upstream a bit (south) the trail passes Lock #7
then, cuts off the road back into the woods.
After this section, the trail comes out very close to the Pen Center. I used to spend alot of time here, and so it was kind of cool to see these places again.
After two and a half hours of hiking, nothing tastes better than this (except maybe a cold beer):
We considered stopping to see a matinee
The trail turns off Glendale into a residential area, which was full of some very nice houses
then goes back into the woods towards Brock University..
We finally hit Brock after almost four hours of hiking
Took a short break at this lake, which is on the Brock campus
Then hit up a different McDonalds, to call for a cab to take us back to the car
We got back to the car at ~3pm, so 5 hours total. Very sore feet, and stiff legs.
I leave you with a short video of a friend we made along the trail
Oh and Chris just sent me some of his photos:
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